Vray benchmark results
Vray benchmark results

vray benchmark results

Here are the results of our benchmark tests on both Linux and Windows. In our tests, the new AMD EPYC CPUs outperformed the competition in terms of rendering speed, with significantly higher vsample scores across the board. A higher vsample score indicates a faster rendering time.

vray benchmark results

Rendering speed is scored as vsamples, which are the number of rendering calculations performed in one minute. For this test, we used V-Ray to measure the CPU rendering speed. The app offers two rendering engines: V-Ray and V-Ray GPU. If you're not familiar with V-Ray Benchmark, here's how it works. In fact, the new 4th gen AMD EPYC CPUs render nearly twice as fast as the 3rd gen, and they’ve set a new record in our CPU rendering benchmarks. We’re happy to report that these new chips are incredibly fast. Then we compared those results to our current high score holder, which happens to be the previous (3rd) generation of AMD EPYC CPUs. The first question we get whenever new hardware comes out is, “How fast does it render?” So, to find out how fast the brand-new 4th generation AMD EPYC™ CPUs are, we ran some tests using our free V-Ray 5 Benchmark app on the new HPE ProLiant D元85 Gen11 server. New AMD CPU renders V-Ray nearly 2x faster than the previous generation.

Vray benchmark results